In this newsroom article Meta provided to advertisers, it explains their reasoning behind this decision is because teens are not as equipped as adults to make decisions about how their data is used for advertising, specifically in terms of showing them items for sale.
Facebook says “These changes reflect research, direct feedback from parents and child developmental experts, UN children’s rights principles and global regulation.”
Starting in March this year, Meta announced a new way to give teens more control with Ad Topic Controls. Teens can go into their ad preferences and choose to See Less or have No Preferences to further control the type of ads they see on Facebook and Instagram.
Facebook strictly prohibits advertising alcohol, financial products, and weight loss products to anyone below 18. Even if your ad complies with Meta’s policies, you should still be aware teens may still want to see fewer ads.
If your target audience is young adults you still have the option to advertise to them using Meta! Advertisers can target anyone on Facebook and Instagram between the ages of 13-65+.
Be extra thoughtful. Since the young viewers are in control of dismissing your ads, have some fun with your creatives– teens want to be entertained not sold to.
Always bring value. Your ads should hit on your target audience’s biggest pain points… your product should provide the solution.
Consider TikTok. If you sell impulse-driven products that help young adults then TikTok is where you should be. Currently, advertisers can market to teens between the ages of 13-17.
Learn more about these changes here.